Monday, April 29, 2013

If You Don't Do YOU, You Can't Help Others

I have to admit to y'all (I just got back from Texas and Y'all seems appropriate) that I have learned this the hard way. If you don't do you, you can't help others. Not only can you not help others, there's a good chance you cannot be the best friend, spouse, co-worker, or partner.

A lot of my work (both professional and personal) has to do with me trying to help people. It may be as small as teaching someone a new workout, how to make better eating choices, or be the person they have to lean on so they can get ready to make changes. I love my job, and I think I am really darn good at it.

I have just realized though, I am just like everyone else. I am not "all-knowing", nor do I "have it all", and no it sure doesn't come easy. I am going to tell you right now, I GET OVERWHELMED TOO!

This past week I got extremely overwhelmed with work, clients, friends, and family. I put everyone's needs first before my own. I wasn't happy with my week, so the people around me only got a percent of the little energy I had. My conclusion after this week is... I have to put myself first before others.

It sounds selfish; right? Well I have found out that if I don't do me, I really suck at moving in a positive direction in all the other aspects of my life. My "me" time recharges me, energizes me, makes me happy, and seriously keeps me sane.

I encourage all of you to DO YOU, don't be afraid to take a step back and realize you are human and need some time for you.

My ways to recharge:
Sleep (physical, mental)
Workout (physical)
Do yoga (more spiritual)
Sing or blog (spiritual)
Read (educational)
Cook (seems spiritual and a bit social)
Watch trash tv ( I don't know what it is but I sure do enjoy it from time to time)

What helps you recharge? Try doing some things on your list this week, and let me know how you feel after!

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