Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Me Time" Everyone Can Fit In Workouts

I often hear from family members, friends, clients, and strangers that they "don't have time" for the gym. I sympathize with them, and definitely agree that it is TOUGH to get in daily workouts. When you work full time, might be in school, have kids, etc.

Guess what... Although I understand; those are ALL excuses! Yeah, I said it!! Stop handicapping yourself and using excuses to continue on your path of being lazy. If you are telling me you want to go to the gym more, then stop saying it and start DOING it.

One reason many people might read this and immediately assume I don't understand is because I'm young, single, and work at a gym. These are all true, but I am up at 5:00am to shuttle to work, I am on my feet from 7a-4:30, and after work I shuttle home and get back by 6. My workdays are long, but I STILL MAKE TIME.

Another reason I don't want to hear excuses are because my dad and mom both juggled it my entire life! Yes these two humans raised three children, have full time jobs, and workout DAILY! My dad works 60+ hours a week and continues to win World Championship Gold Medals for cycling. It's true you MAKE time for things that are important to you! 

Make time for YOU! 

After meeting many executives, millionaires, and business owners I noticed a trend. They all workout regularly! This gives them the energy to take on their busy schedules. Next time you give yourself an excuse, try to rethink it, and focus on "YOU" time.

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