Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Travel. Be Wild. Be Free.

Being aware and recognizing which way your life is going is quite empowering. Do you know what you are good at, enjoy, get motivated, and thrive doing? Do you also know what nerves you, makes you uninspired, and slows down your progress?

Well for me I think I am really aware of all of the above. I can recognize when I need a break. When I've overdone it or just need to mix things up. This goes for all aspects in ones life.

Traveling for me brings balance I yearn for. It's not the balance that you search for and all of the sudden find. When I travel I get inspired. I see sunshine, feel joy, eat good food, chat with new people, & I spend time really soaking up all life has to offer. 

I see travel as investing in my happiness, well being, knowledge, relationships; all while getting a great tan. Travel has no limits. You create your wild life. No one writes your story but you. So what's your story going to be? 

You can get in your car and travel to a beach an hour away, you may grab a hotel in a city you've never been, pack some clothes and a tent for a camping trip. That's the best part of travel. Seriously, no rules! You don't need money, you just need an idea.

Pick a place. Share your story. Make sure it's wild and you run free! 

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