Monday, October 15, 2012

Buddy Up!

Are you lacking motivation or an excuse to get fit? Does it seem like your motivation only lasts a few weeks, days, or hours? Time to get a buddy!!!

There are many different forms of buddies that may all positively relate to your fitness. I am going to list and explain some ways of becoming successfully fit with a buddy.

FRIEND: I have been quite successful when teaming up with a friend to get fit. My great friend Kate was my ROCK when I decided to compete in my fitness competition. We did it together. Although we weren't working out all the time, we were there for support 24/7. We literally called to motivate, complain, laugh, and cry together. I seriously remember numerous phone conversations where one of us were sitting in our car outside the gym not wanting to go in, and we would support each other and make sure we got in there. If you have a friend who wants to get fit then use her/him for support. Call, text, email, facebook, workout together, cook together, get coffee together, and be there for one another
Tell your family members how much getting fit and changing your lifestyle means to you. Try to include them in your new healthy habits, instead of yell at them for having other habits (p.s. I learned the hard way on this one). Family members in my experiences take a little more time to persuade, but when you buddy up with one you can really find the support you desire. I personally love working out with my sister on a day I need to switch things up. She is a great triathlete and can run LONG.
I am fortunate to have had some amazing roomates in the last 5 years. Girls who will try anything, which is awesome because we are all at different fitness levels. I have gone on numerous runs with them, yoga classes, bar classes, hikes, grocery trips, cooking parties, and of course chats about nutrition. Roommates who are on-board with healthy eating will accept your habits even if they are uber healthy!
A trainer A good trainer will be there for you to hold you accountable. They will educate you on healthy living, and teach you the habits you need to learn to be successful in reaching your goals. A trainer will always be pushing you to a level you never knew you could reach. They will be there for guidance, support, and a seriously hardcore workout. If you have the extra money, this is a great tool to ensure you succeed in your goals.
If you are completely lost, and really want to make sure you are eating proper nutrients then I would suggest seeing a dietician. A dietician will know exactly what to advise you on eating, they will teach you how to incorporate the things you love, and hold you accountable to healthy habits. Dieticians are extremely up with the new research, and know what to suggest for special diet needs (celiac, lactose intolerant, vegan, etc.)

I suggest when you are ready to hop on the fit-train, to FIND A BUDDY. Someone you feel comfortable with, and someone whose advice you would listen to.

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