Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015

As we are about to ring in the New Year and make 2015 resolutions. I decided to take some time to think about 2014 while sitting in a nice hammock in Cabo San Lucas.

1. I traveled!
I will never forget one of my favorite college professors advised me that the best thing you can do for yourself is travel. It is tough to come up with money, but it is so worth it. No, I'm not rich. Yes, I save and spend money on travel. I went to Greece, Turks and Caicos, LA, Las Vegas, Tahoe, and Cabo. It's been my resolution since 2012 to travel at least 2 new places a year and I've kept that goig strong! 

2. I let myself not be too obsessed with health
Health and fitness is a huge part of my life. I love working out and eating healthy, but in the past I have let it get in the way of living a fully balanced life. This year I worked out 5 times a week (instead of 6) and ate healthy 80% of the time. I allowed myself to drink when I wanted, and pass when I didn't want to. It's been a huge relief living a more balanced life.

3. Explored SF as much as I can 
We all live in such cool cities that we usually don't explore by foot. We drive, cab, and shuttle around. I tried to go on as many walks, try as many coffee shops, and yummy restaurants as I could this year.

4. I started saving
I got a financial planner this year to help me make sure I am on track with saving my money and planning for my future. It was a big step for me, but I'm so glad I decided to start this. If you need help with this let me know, I know a great guy!

5. Broke up and started dating
When you go through a breakup. It sucks. There's no way around having to deal with tons of emotions (especially when you run in to the guy all the time). This year was tough, because it was my first real heartbreak. After a lot of hurt I learned what I think I want, and what I think I deserve. It doesn't mean I've found it, but it means I'm closer to knowing myself. 

6. Stopped making work my world
Work consumes most of us. We are there more than we are anywhere else. We want to be rock stars, make an impact, and make money. I used to let work rule me. This past year I would leave work when I was done with work, and not stay up emailing all night. I didn't stress about it nearly as much as I used to. It was a great relief.

7. Started a business
Starting a business taught me SO much this year. Working with Lindsay has been a blast. We've learned how eachother work, what one another are really good at, and also how different we each are. We loved waking up on our Saturdays to work out and hang out with amazingly beautiful and inspiring women. We learned how to budget money, and make decisions together. I will take all that we learned and use these skills for the rest of my life.

8. Being there for friends when you need to be 
Weddings, baby announcements, breakups, work drama, big news, and weekly catch ups are way more important to me than I thought. Being there for people, and people being there for me are high on my list of needs. I am so thankful for the friendships I have, and am so glad in 2014 I was able to meet such amazing human beings.

There's a lot more to my 2014, but these are some of my favorites. I can't wait to see all that 2015 brings.


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