Thea's Goals For 2015
Say no more often (practice not over committing and not feeling bad when I can't make it somerhere)
Go on 2 dates a month even if I don't want to or want to use an excuse like I don't have time.)
Read 12 books (I gotta be realistic & choose a # that I will actually read)
Paint & redecorate my room (paint bought, now time for the work)
Cook more often & invite people over for dinner instead of eating out (it's good for my soul)
Hike more (1x/month min)
Drink lemon water in the morning
Continue to workout 5-6x a week (change up routine a bit)
Continue to eat clean 85% (measure or portion foods at work)
Be comfortable walking around in a bikini by end of May (by eating clean, drinking less, and workout out on a routine)
Keep saving each month for retirement and Roth
Check in with financial consultant 1x a month
Increase emergency savings by 3% each month
Travel: it's been my goal the last two years to go to 2 new places a year, so I have to keep up with it!
Go on a 2-3 day California hiking trip
Australia, Bali, or NZ or all 3 :)
Actually renovate blog (meaning ask for help, which is hard for me to do)
Get professional photos and launch new website
Get another sponsor (in 2014 I partnered with Jlab audio and Fabletics!)
er, don't forget to hug your parents!